
Registration fee


The registration fee for students is 2500000 Rials. For all other contributors, the registration fee is 5000000 Rials.


The registartion fee should be tranfered to:

Account No.: 5742047840

Account holder: IWMSSM 

Name of bank: Tejarat bank, Shiraz University of Technology branch (code: 57420).

Shaba no: IR240180000000005742047840

In the case of card-transfer, the card number is: 5859837000477543


  • Please send a copy of the payment receipt (transfer form) to heslami@pgu.ac.ir. 


  • For participants from outside Iran, the registration fee can be paid in cash at the registration desk.


  • Foreign participants from most of the countries need visa. Please check with the Iranian Embassy at your own country.


The registration fee includes payments for participation in all sessions, book of abstarcts, coffee breaks, lunches, get together, and the conference dinner. For students, accomodation into the student dormitory is also covered.

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